Hindustan Copper Limited

Hindustan Copper Limited was incorporated on November 9, 1967. It is a public sector company which is being governed by the Ministry of Mines and the company solely deals with manufacturing and trading of copper products.

Hindustan Copper Limited has usurped the copper mines and industrial plants of the National Mineral Development Corporation. The private sector of HCL which was established in England named as Indian Copper Corporation was nationalized and thereby became a subordinate of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL). HCL is a multi-unit copper manufacturer. The company deals with a wide range of important activities that include exploring the copper, benefication of mining, manufacturing, then refining the copper and lastly molding the finished product. The Government of India happens to be the most important and largest investor of HCL and holds a huge amount of 99.48 percent of the overall paid-up stake of Hindustan Copper Limited.

HCL has its copper ore plants in a number of states in India. Some of the states having the copper ore units of the company are Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra. The plants in Jharkhand and Rajasthan are the manufacturing units of copper and the continuous cast copper rod plant of HCL is located at Maharashtra. The major products of HCL are copper cathode, single super phosphate, continuous cast copper rod and copper wire rod. Hindustan Copper also manufactures a number of by-products such as copper sulphate, gold, silver, sulphuric acid, palladium, and few more. The 4 units of HCL in the above mentioned states in India which are being listed below:
  • Indian Copper Complex (ICC) at Ghatsila, Jharkhand
  • Taloja Copper Project (TCP) at Taloja, Maharashtra
  • Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) at Khetrinagar, Rajasthan
  • Malanjkhand Copper Project (MCP) at Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh
Hindustan Copper Limited is the very first manufacturer of copper in India that has been honored the ISO 9002 certification for its continuous cast wire rod unit. The 2 other plants namely Indian Copper Complex in Jharkhand and Khetri Copper Complex have also received the ISO 9002 certificate for producing cathode. The Taloja Project in Maharashtra has joined hands with the Southwire Company in United States. More than 90 percent of the income of HCL have been earned by the cathode plant and the continuous cast cast copper rods plants.

Hindustan Copper Limited has earned a net profit of USD 75 million (` 331 crore) during the financial yea 2006-07 and a sales turn over of USD 420 million (` 1800 crore). HCL is aiming to reach a manufacturing rate of 35000 tonnes by the end of 2007.