Monto Motors Limited

Monto Motors Limited is located in Rajasthan. It was established by Pacco Group of Companies in 1997-98.

Monto Motors has recently acquired the Automotive Division of Kelvinator of India Ltd. This company was the first in the country to manufacture mopeds in 1984 with technical collaboration from Agretti Garelli of Italy.

Monto Motors today manufactures a wide range of product starting from mopeds to cranks and shafts.

The main products of Monto Motors Limited are as follows:

  • Avanti Auto Power
  • Avanti Carrier
  • Avanti Mont
  • Avanti Kobra
  • Avanti SS
  • Avanti Top Tank
  • Avanti Porta
Motor Cycles:
  • Bright Bike
  • 100CCMotor Cycle
  • 125 CC Motor Cycle
  • 150CCMotor Cycle
  • Gazzab
  • Blaster
Mini HD:
  • Avanti X-Bike
  • Avanti Zipper
  • Avanti Zip Zap
  • Avanti Kid Bike
  • Avanti Club 70
  • Kid Harley.
  • Avanti Trolley 600
  • Avanti Trolley 800
Gears and Shafts:
  • Gears and Shafts TO OE
Cranks and Shafts:

Monto Motors boasts of great manufacturing facilities. A list of their manufacturing set up is given below:

  • Machine Shop - They have various SPMs and machines for semi-finishing, grinding operations, and turning. This has one section that is involved only in gear manufacturing such as gear shaving, gear shaper etc. The crank shaft manufacturing is another section in the machine shop, where all the machines have been imported from Italy.
  • The Press Shop - Has a good capacity for hydraulic and mechanical presses. The weld shop has the facility of MIG, projection, spot welding, and TIG machines.
  • The heat treatment facility has gas carburizing furnaces and salt-bath features which are backed up by the metallurgical laboratory.
  • Engine Assembly; the vehicle assembly has a conveyor that has the capacity to produce 400 vehicles daily.
  • Standard Room has the provision for sample testing that is being advanced.

The company has a very efficient team of workers headed by Mr. Chand Mehta, who is the chairman of the company. Mr. Abjit Singh Gulati is the president and the managing director of Monto Motors.