Petrochemicals in Automobiles

Petrochemicals in Automobiles are a vital part of the transportation sector. The sector of automobiles and petrochemicals are intrinsically linked as each is dependent on the other.

Anyway the automobile industry inIndia is often referred to an 'agglomeration of industries', and petrochemicals are definitely a part of that. The automobile industry is using petrochemicals with the view of increasing sales of the company since petrochemicals are a vital part in the manufacturing of automobiles.

Automobiles can look attractive with the use of different components of petrochemicals. The outcome could be:

  • Attractive colors
  • Light or cruiser weight vehicles
  • Splendid designing, like aerodynamic looks
  • Durability
  • Flexibility in modification or re-modeling
  • More speed
  • More space
  • Accessories for enhancement

Since petrochemicals have become a core feature of the automobile industry, the use of petrochemicals in cars, buses, trucks, etc are growing daily. The ultimate benefactors are the consumers.India has been able to bring about quite a lot of changes in the automobiles through the use of petrochemicals.

An example of the use of petrochemicals in automobiles would be the usage of synthetic rubber tires. Synthetic rubber is derived from natural gas and petroleum. Synthetic rubber is more flexible and durable, thus, can be designed in various ways and still serve the purpose of transport. One can take a look at the tires manufactured for popular bikes like Pulsar 220cc, CBZ Extreme, Apache RTR 160, and Honda Unicorn.

India is being able to reduce the costs of vehicles by the use of petrochemicals in the automobiles industry. This is possible because the use of petrochemicals in vehicles facilitates quick assembling of parts. More important than that is the fact that petrochemicals make automobiles speed on due to their light weight resulting in less wastage of fuel and non-renewable resources.

Another example of use of petrochemicals used in automobiles is the use of petrochemical based plastic. Petrochemical plastic weighing 100 kg has replaced the old materials which weighed over 300 kg, used in various sections of the car. Thus, making it light weight. Then again the petrol tanks are made leak proof and more durable against crashes and collisions. The material used here is High Density Polyethylene.

As a matter of fact, petrochemicals in automobiles are becoming key factor for growth in the automotive industry which in turn has positive effects on the petrochemical market inIndia as well.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011