Jain Irrigation Systems

Jain Irrigation Systems is one of the better known producers of PVC, plastic sheets, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, processed fruits, dehydrated vegetables and onions, grafted and hybrid plants, shade and poly houses, solar heating water systems, greenhouses, and bio-fertilizers in India.

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. is the only company across the world that manufactures irrigation complete drip systems. In the country, the company is the biggest manufacturer of pipes made of plastic. In India, Jain Irrigation Systems is the biggest processor of vegetables and fruits. The company manufactures more than 100,000 MT of various kinds of polymers. In the organized sector, the company is the biggest producer of mango pulp and has a manufacturing capacity of around 58,000-60,000 MT per year.

The irrigation division under Jain Irrigation Systems has received the ISO 9001:2001 certification from Germany's RWTUV. The division of Jain Irrigation Systems that deals with the production of plastic sheets, plastic piping, and irrigation has got the ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2001 certification from Germany's RWTUV. The Jain Irrigation Systems' food division has received KOSHER, HACCP, and SGF certifications. In India, the company is the biggest manufacturer of banana tissue culture plants.

In India, the Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. has a 50% share in market for irrigation and drip systems. In the PE gas pipes market, the company has an impressive 60% market share. The total income of the company amounted to ` 2312.60 million in 2005- 2006, which went up to ` 3376.60 million in 2006-07. The net profit of Jain Irrigation Systems Company amounted to ` 175.70 million in 2005- 2006 which increased to ` 282.20 million in 2006-07.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)166
IndustryDrip Irrigation Systems
Profit after Tax(PAT)260.72
MCAP (Market Capitalization)5093.17

Jain Irrigation Systems has become one of the leading irrigation drip system manufacturing companies in India. This has been possible due to the fact that the company has strictly maintained the quality of its products and thus ensured customer loyalty.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies