Jyoti Structures

Jyoti Structures was set up in 1974 and is under the Mirchandani Group, Tata Exports, and Valecha Group. The Jyoti Structures Ltd. was converted to a public limited company in 1985. The company manufactures structures for sub-station, towers for transmission line, structures for railway electrifications, and antenna towers.

The company Jyoti Structures is a leading company in providing turnkey solutions in various areas like substations and transmission lines of high power voltage. The company is also one among the few companies in the world that can carry out all the various turnkey jobs.

Jyoti Structures Company has 2 production facilities in India which are in Raipur and Nashik. The production units of the Jyoti Structures manufacture microwave towers, structures for railway electrifications, and towers for galvanizing transmission.

The company has a significant domestic market in grid power corporations and SEBs. The Jyoti Structures Company's clients include NTPC and Maharashtra State Electricity Board. Jyoti Structures Ltd's manufacturing units has received approval from international utilities like Western Power, Power Link, ABB, Kennedy Donkin Power, National Grid, Mott MacDonald, Hydro Quebec, IVD, and Trans GRID.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)272
IndustryPower - Transmission/Equipment
Profit after Tax(PAT)110.91
MCAP (Market Capitalization)508.88

Jyoti Structures Company's total income amounted to ` 2210.99 million in 2005-2006 and the next year the figure stood at ` 2967.41 million. The net profit of the company amounted to ` 97.27 million in 2005-2006 and the next year the amount increased to ` 160.31 million. Jyoti Structures is planning to expand in the future by setting up a transmission power tower production unit in the UAE.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies