Benchmark Mutual Fund

Benchmark Mutual Fund provides low cost investment options. Important products of Benchmark Mutual Fund are Nifty BeES, Junior BeES and Liquid BeES.

Benchmark Mutual Fund - Overview

The Benchmark Mutual Fund is managed by the Benchmark Asset Management Company Private Limited. The main objective of the Benchmark Mutual Fund is to offer low cost innovative investment products with lucrative returns at a low risk profile. The company uses latest methods of quantitative techniques to support the investment process and to get the best out of it. The quantitative techniques gather huge amounts of financial data and the experts analyze this information to provide the best advice to individual customers according to their need.

Benchmark Mutual Fund-Board of Directors (Benchmark Asset Management Co. Pvt. Ltd)

  • Mr. Dhirajlal S. Mehta
  • Mr. Sevantilal J. Parekh
  • Mr. Shripad R. Halbe
  • Mr. T. N. V. Ayyar
  • Ms. Susan Thomas

Benchmark Mutual Fund-Board of Trustees (Benchmark Asset Management Co. Pvt. Ltd)

  • Dr. Surendra A. Dave
  • Dr. Pravin P. Shah
  • Dr. Amritlal C. Shah
  • Mr. Shriraj Dhruv

Benchmark Mutual Fund - Products

  • Nifty BeES is the first ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) in India: The primary objective of Nifty BeES is to provide returns on investment which match up to the total return on securities as corresponded by the S&P CNX Nifty Index. The Nifty BeES won the Golden Peacock Award as the Most Innovative Financial Product in the year 2002-03.

  • Junior BeES: The Junior BeES provides return which match up to the return on securities as corresponded by the S&P CNX Nifty Junior Index.

  • Liquid BeES: It is the first Liquid ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) in the world. It is listed and traded as a share. The main objective of the Liquid BeES is to increase the returns and to lower the risks by investing in a basket of short-term government securities, call money, and money market instruments, and at the same time maintaining the liquidity and safety.

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Last Updated 06/30/2011

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