Canara Robeco Mutual Fund


Canara Robeco Mutual Fund is a Joint Venture between Canara Bank and Robeco Group. The Asset Management Company is known as Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Limited. Canara Robeco Mutual Fund operates 15 open-ended amd 3 close-ended schemes.

Canara Robeco Mutual Fund- Snapshots-

Canbank Investment Management Services Ltd. (the AMC) was set up in the year 1993 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Canara Bank. The Asset Management Company regulates and manages the assets of Canbank Mutual Fund under an investment management agreement dated 16th June 1993. This agreement is subjected to modifications or amendments from time to time.

Canara Robeco Mutual Fund is a joint Venture between Canara Bank and Robeco group. This joint Venture came into existence on 19th March, 2007. This Joint Venture states that the Robeco India Holding B.V has acquired 40 percent share in the Asset Management Company. After this agreement, the Joint Venture concern came to be known as Canara Robeco Mutual Fund and the Asset Management Company (AMC) was renamed as Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Limited.

Objectives of Canara Robeco Mutual Fund-

The Canara Robeco Mutual Fund has launched thirty schemes ever since it came into existence and furthermore has taken up four schemes from GIC Mutual Fund. Among these thirty schemes launched by the company, around sixteen schemes have been dissolved or terminated till date. The AMC now regulates eighteen schemes among which fifteen are open-ended schemes and three are close-ended schemes. The assets under management were estimated to be around ` 2211.57 Crores on 30th September, 2007.

Schemes Offered by Canara Robeco Mutual Fund-

  • Canara Robeco Balance II
  • Canara Robeco Balance
  • Canara Robeco CIGO
  • Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver
  • Canara Robeco Equity Diversified
  • Canara Robeco Expo
  • Canara Robeco Nifty Index
  • Canara Robeco Emerging Equities
  • Canara Robeco Infrastructure
  • Canara Robeco Fortune 94
  • Canara Robeco Multicap
  • Canara Robeco Fixed Maturity Plan 13M SRI
  • Canara Robeco Income
  • Canara Robeco Liquid Plus
  • Canara Robeco Gilt PGS
  • Canara Robeco Liquid
  • Canara Robeco Floating Rate
  • Canara Robeco Interval Scheme

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Last Updated 06/30/2011

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