Quantum Mutual Fund

The Quantum Mutual Fund launched its much awaited Quantum Gold Fund - An open-ended exchange traded fund in January 2008.Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund (QLTEF) and Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund (QLF) are its other two mutual funds operating in market. Quantum Mutual Fund is managed by Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd.

The Quantum Mutual Fund is one of the most popular and fast growing mutual funds in the mutual fund sector of India. The Quantum Mutual Fund is being operated by the Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. Its products are available in all cities across India.

Products and services offered by the Quantum Mutual Fund are as follows:

Equity / Growth product - Investment in such scheme is being made to gain capital appreciation over the medium to long- term range. In such schemes, a major portion of the accumulated sum is invested in equities.

The Equity/Growth based product of Quantum Mutual Fund -
  • Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund (QLTEF)
  • Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund (QLF)

Recently, on 24th January 2008, it has launched Quantum Gold Fund - An open-ended exchange traded fund.

Contact details of Quantum Mutual Fund are as follows:

Quantum Mutual Fund
107, Regent Chambers, 1st Floor
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021
Email: [email protected]

Quantum Mutual Fund investor's service centers are located at Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

To knoe more about Mutual Funds Firms click on the following links:

Last Updated 06/30/2011

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