Project Report for MBA

Project Report for MBA is prepared to expose students to the operations of a firm and its administration. The students in the process learns about the concepts used behind structuring of a business model and at the same time works on the issue identified by the firm in an attempt to understand the practical features of the organizational functions.

Project Report Format for MBA

An MBA project report must follow a standard format. The sequence according to which the Project Report for MBA should be designed is:
  1. Acknowledgment
  2. Content Tables - should contain the various chapters included in the project
  3. Management Summary - should include a concise account of the project.
  4. Foreword to the project concept
  5. Industry summary - should contain brief on the sector of specialization
  6. Company profile - should discuss about the past performance of the company and other relevant details of the organization
  7. Background and commencement of the firm's operations
  8. Types of business operations executed by the firm
  9. Aim, undertaking and excellence strategy of the firm
  10. Product and Services offered by the firm
  11. Region of functioning - International/Domestic/District centric
  12. Information on its market competitors
  13. A brief guide on company's infrastructural facilities
  14. Awards received by the firm (if any)
  15. Workflow Model - discuss if Mckinsey's Seven S Model is as valid to that firm
  16. Firm Structure - should talk about the company's Board of Directors, its sub-structure and functional areas.
  17. Categorization of expertise - explain the process undertaken to convey essential skills during trainings and on job sessions
  18. Organization approach - discuss whether the firm is dictatorial or participative including the study of decision making guidelines undertaken by the firm in its every day operations.
  19. Organization Strategy - should include a brief about a strategy undertaken by the firm to describe it costing, waste reduction, etc
  20. Staff and system - describe whether the firm follows guidance execution system or merit rating system, etc. and the role and responsibility of its various departments
  21. The SWOT Assessment of the firm
  22. Research Methodology
  23. Project Topic
  24. Account of the problem
  25. Functional definitions
  26. Data collection, analysis and tools utilized
  27. Sampling Technique
  28. Assessment plan
  29. Limitations of the research
  30. Research summary
  31. References
  32. Conclusion
  33. Annexure
  34. Fiscal declarations
  35. Opinion polls

Project Report for MBA - Guidelines

An all-inclusive MBA project report must be prepared considering the below mentioned guidelines:
  • The MBA project work must be submitted at the predetermined time
  • It is mandatory for all MBA students to prepare project report in their specializing subjects.
  • No two students can submit a project report on same topic or same firm.
  • Students can seek the supervision of the in-house teacher and the teacher can give an official document to the effect that the students has
  • executed his responsibilities effectively under her/his leadership.
  • The project report must be prepared using MS Word and should be typed preferably in the Times New Roman 14 or Arial 12 font size.
  • The MBA project reports must be printed in standard A4 size with one inch margin on both sides and line alignment of 1.5
  • The project report must be bounded with white color art paper displaying the topic, student's name, institution's name, and other relevant details.
  • The report must carry an acknowledgement proof by the Head of the Department representing the authentic presentation of assignment by the student.
  • A genuine proof of work submitted by the student is autonomously executed by him.
  • The report must also carry the certificate from the firm, if the report is performed outside the institution
Last Updated on May 29, 2015