Project Report Writing

Project Report Writing must be effectively done. Replicating the outcomes of a marketing research to the management usually encompasses an official printed report as well as verbal recitation. Hence both the project report and production are extremely vital.

As the outcomes of the marketing research are often indefinable, for there is very less proof on the time and attempt that went into the study, the printed document is generally referred to as the only credential of the project. Moreover, the verbal recitation and report are the only two facets of the investigation that marketing official is exposed to and the entire assessment of the study depends on how effectively the study effects are communicated.

Since the written proof and verbal recitation are characteristically the accountability of the marketing research investigator, the communication efficiency and worth of knowledge provided plays a vital part in establishing whether the investigator will be deployed by the firm in future or not.

Every individual possess an exclusive style of writing but there are some general methods to be followed while writing for project reports. Before starting writing for projects one should comprehensively understand the outcomes of the project and consideration must be given to what the project would communicate.

Guidelines for Project Report Writing

The basic guidelines that must be pursued for writing for any report or research paper are as listed below:

  1. Avoid using too much of technical jargon: The information derived from the research is of due importance to marketing executive, who might utilize it while taking decisions on behalf of the company. Thus the project report must be easy to understand and must not encompass too much of technical phases. Complexities created by technical jargons might act as a hindrance while treating the outcomes of statistical evaluation, as the chances of very few understanding it is very high.

    Hence, the technical aspects must be effectively translated. Terms such as confidence interval, impact level, etc must be interpreted into everyday language. For researchers translating the technical terms into simple and easy to understand will help the reader have a good grasp of the analytical methods the firm has been using.

  2. Translation of behavioral sciences vocabulary: Qualitative analysis can also result in major intricacies as they have a terminology of their own, which is not used in day to day operations. Some of the terms are evoked set, self-actualization, cognitive dissonance, etc if not translated in a concise manner they can result in opportunities for misinterpretations.

  3. Be succinct and accurate: The project report must be succinct but on the other hand should also be accurate and concentrate on the major points of the decisive elements by removing the insignificant ones. A researcher needs to analyze that he/she will be evaluated by the contribution towards resolving the promotional issues and not by the attempt engaged in the research methodology.

Format for Writing the Project Report

The format for writing a project report is listed as below:
  • Page Title
  • Abstract of the findings
  • Content tables
  • Catalog of Tables
  • Catalog of figures
Project Introduction
  • Introduction to the research setback
  • Objectives of the research
  • Premise of the research
Research Methodology -Data collation
  • Illustration and sampling technique
  • Figure or qualitative techniques utilized for data assessment
  • Sample narrative
  • Conclusions and interpretation
The abstract of the survey is one of the most vital elements of the written report, since management see the survey findings for vital decision making. The abstract of the finding is generally inserted after the title page and is presented jointly with the project report.

The introduction should talk about the project and other relevant details. The broad objectives of the project should be mentioned after the introductions, following which the hypotheses that are to be evaluated in the study are mentioned.

In methodology chapter the sample techniques and methods are illustrated in details along with various statistical techniques that are deployed for data assessment. Finally, the sample is explained, providing the overall figures, generally entailing the rate counts for the various model features.

Once the methods have been explained, the major survey results are to be presented in a manner that all the aims of the research are attained and the hypotheses are evaluated. It is vital that the chief survey results are clearly construed and results are drawn wherever required.

Last Updated on 7th July 2011