Project Report on Mutual Funds

Mutual Fund market provides vast investment avenues for the prospective investors ranging from bonds to bank deposits and corporate debentures, which are low on risk and high on returns. The latest mutual fund market has indicated bearish trend which means that investors who are seeking for profitable investments should opt for highly skilled fund managers who invests on their behalf.

Indian Mutual fund industry has undergone a massive change in the last few years with the launch of many conglomerates in India. They have introduced professional dexterity and technology in handling capitals both nationally and internationally. Owing to this investors have spoilt choice for a diverse range of policies depending on their portfolios.

Project Report on Mutual Funds provides a summary on mutual fund market in India, the performance of listed funds, various types of funds, challenges, drawbacks and international scenarios. The reports help in understanding the operations of the industry right from its initiation stage to expansion and future initiatives. It helps in comprehending various launched schemes and the returns associated with them. Besides this, the project report also helps in determining the asset allotment, entry and exit load of the MFs and benefits enjoyed by the investors.

Project Report Format on Mutual Funds

For equity firm to prepare a comprehensive project report requires the consideration of the following guidelines:
  1. Title of the report
  2. About the Company - A brief description about the history of the company, its past growth and future initiatives
  3. Mutual Funds
    • Concept
    • Operation Flowchart - describe relation between investors, fund managers, securities and returns
    • Organization - describe its unit holders, sponsors, trustees, transfer agents, custodians and market regulator (SEBI)
    • Advantages - Diversification, range of services, tax benefits, professional administration, cost feasibility and guidelines
  4. Types of Mutual Fund Schemes
    • By composition such as open ended, close ended and interval plans
    • By endowment aims such as expansion, revenue, balance and money market schemes
    • By tax benefits
    • Exclusive schemes such as industry specific and index schemes
  5. Schemes offered by the firm
  6. A detailed history of mutual funds
  7. Risk return chain of command - starting from liquid funds to debt funds to gilt funds to balanced funds to index funds to equity funds to industrial funds; in the sequence of their risk return ratio
  8. Progress in the brand value of the firm - describe the sales promotional and distribution techniques and its market reach
  9. Sales Promotion
    • Endorsement
    • Publicity
    • Personal promotion
  10. Distribution network
    • Banks
    • Agency tie-up
    • Internet and other mass medium
    • Direct sales
    • Intermediaries
    • IFA
    • Corporate houses
  11. References
  12. Conclusions

Objectives of preparing the Mutual Fund Project Report

There are various objectives for preparing a detailed project report on mutual fund. Some of them are listed as below:
  • To provide a brief concept about the advantages accessible for investing in mutual funds
  • To provide a brief concept on the varieties of policies available in the industry
  • To deal with the various market trends influencing endowments in mutual funds
  • To investigate some of the listed mutual fund proposals and valuate their pros and cons
  • To scrutinize the fund administration method in the mutual funds industry
  • To carry out a detailed survey on the current advancements in the Indian mutual funds sector
  • To provide a brief idea about the pre-set guidelines formulated by the mutual funds market controllers
Last Updated on May 29, 2015