Project Report For Insurance Sector

In our daily lives we encounter lot of risks which results in fiscal losses. One of the excellent ways to safeguard these losses is through insurance. The insurance firms in India take entire charge of any such losses against the payment forfeited every month in the form of premium. Insurance is a commercial means for relocating risks and covering fiscal losses.

Project Report on Insurance provides an insight on the various policies offered by the insurer to cover particular losses, the premium charged by the insurer and how much money an insurer forfeits the policyholder in case of losses. The Insurance Project Report offers experts, consultancies, government divisions, authoritative units and analysts with self-sufficient predictions and domestically viable intelligence on the insurance industry

The project report on Insurance deals with the 5-7 year insurance industry predictions, target business prospects, probable risks, SWOT analysis and explore the current competitive sectoral acumen. The reports offer key insight into the industry and impact on conglomerates in the market.

Industry indicators in the report comprise of number of life and non-life insurance firms; total and per capita Casualty premiums and assertions; aggregate premium revenues, total expenditures, operating expenditures, total assets, sectoral density, Market penetration, etc

The users of the information are usually the prospective investors, policyholders, top management for decision makers and stake holders.


  1. Introductory Page
  2. Insurance Introduction and Overview
  3. Why do we need Insurance?
  4. Insurance Rules and Regulations
  5. History of Insurance
  6. Alterations in consumers needs before and after liberalization of Insurance industry
  7. Comparisons of aspects controlling the Indian insurance market
    • Motivating aspects such as Security, Savings and Tax rebate
    • Data sources & product visibility
    • Other factors such as money back scheme, whole life and endowment schemes
  8. Present scenario of Insurance industry in India
  9. Awareness of new Products in the market and its comprehensive evaluation
  10. Purchasing method
    • Concession offering practices
    • Scheme delivery
    • Mode of scheme delivery
  11. Alterations in trends in investment patterns
  12. Description about life and non-life policies
  13. Insurance Laws
    • Insurance Pacts with the government
    • Agreement clauses
    • Statues
    • Guidelines
  14. Pre and post liberalization Life insurance practices
  15. Comprehensive note on Awareness and types of Non life policies such as Health, Accident, Asset, etc
  16. Claim settlement method for both life and non life
  17. Brief about companies offering General Insurance
  18. Performance of Indian Insurance industry and its contribution in the economy
  19. Growth Prospective
  20. Evolution Phase
  21. Reference
  22. Conclusion


A project report on Insurance is carried out on the basis of few objectives. Some of them are:
  • To encourage the expansion of capital markets;
  • To accelerate the intermediation competence in the insurance sector, and to release latest out new schemes and services;
  • To contribute to all-inclusive sectoral reforms
  • To facilitate and improve the corporate administration and introduce sound commercial structure
  • To sustain health modifications and private health insurance.
  • To enable the investors to take a close view of the fund performance over the years
  • To motivate the selling of insurance schemes
  • To monitor the insurance schemes transactions
  • To trigger long term strategic planning

Last Updated on May 29, 2015