Automobile Industry in Kanpur, India

The Indian automobile market in Kanpur has registered significant growth in the last few years. Automobiles of all kinds such as trucks, tractors, and cars have witnessed a palpable increase in sales in the city of Kanpur. The growth in Kanpur's automobile industry has boosted the national automobile market.

The various reasons for the growth of the Indian automobile market in Kanpur are:

  • The economy in the city is on the rise and this has led to more disposable incomes which are then used to buy automobiles ranging across various categories.

  • Various loan schemes have been launched by the automobile manufactures and financial institutions and this has made it easier for Kanpur residents to buy automobiles.

  • The presence of many spare-parts shops and service centers has made it easy for car-owners to get their automobiles repaired. This has also boosted the sale of automobiles in Kanpur.
  • The state government has also relaxed regulations in equity and reduced import tariffs pertaining to the automobile industry. All this has resulted in the reduction of automobile prices, which in turn has boosted the sale of automobiles in Kanpur.
Some of the various automobile dealers in Kanpur
  • Kanpur Motor Company
  • Khanna Hyundai
  • Rajendra Agencies
  • Amul Auto Gas Inc.
  • Society Automotive
  • Hindustan Garage
  • High Land Motors
  • India Motor Corporation (P) Ltd.
  • Espiem Engines & Machines (P) Ltd.
  • Bajpai Motors
Various financial institutions that have boosted the Indian automobile market in Kanpur:
  • Kotak mahindra Finance Ltd.
  • Citibank Maruti Corporation
  • Tata Finance Ltd.
  • Asthana Business Center
  • U.K. Rastogi & Co.
Last Updated on 4/18/2015