Haryana Sugar Industry
About Haryana Sugar Industry
The Haryana Sugar Industry makes a significant contribution to the sugar production in India. Globally, India is the second largest producer of sugar after Brazil and this major contribution from Haryana has helped the country in meeting the demands of both domestic and global customers. There is more than 40 millions sugar cane cultivators in India and a larger portion of rural laborers in the country rely heavily on this industry for their livelihood. The government protects the interests of the sugarcane farmers in Haryana and the other states of India by allocating the area for sugarcane procurement and also announcing its purchase price.Most of the sugar mills in Haryana Sugar Industry are cooperative in nature, like the rest of the country. It is estimated that the private sugar mills in Haryana crush about 2.6 crore quintals while the cooperative sugar mills crush more than 3 crore quintals per year.
Haryana Sugar Industry Mills
Most of the sugar mills of the Haryana Sugar Industry are located in Kot, Naraingarh, Kamada, and Gohana. All sugar mills use the latest technology and equipment to manufacture the best quality of sugar for the consumers. Sugarcane is cultivated in the state in very high volumes and this ensures that all the mills have an easy access to this. Some of the sugar mills located in Haryana is: Naraingarh Sugar Mills Ltd, Saraswati Sugar Mill, Yamunanagar Sugar Mill and Gohana Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd.Slowdown in the Haryana Sugar Industry
The recent deficient monsoon rains across the country has affected the production of sugar in the country and Haryana is no exception to this slowdown. It is estimated that the land area of sugarcane cultivation in Haryana slumped from 1.40 lakh hectares in 2007-08 to .090 lakh hectares in 2008-09 and is further estimated to fall to .75 lakh hectares in 2009-10. Another major reason for this slowdown is estimated to be the better payment for paddy and wheat.Government Initiative
The Government of Haryana along with the central government has taken several measures in an effort to boost up the Haryana Sugar Industry. One of the measures taken by the state is revising the price of sugarcane to Rs 185 per quintal for early varieties, Rs 180 per quintal for mid varieties and Rs 175 per quintal for late maturing varieties for the year 2009-10. The Government has taken this step to ensure that it benefits both the farmers and also the owners of sugar mills in the state. The government also announced that the prices of sugarcane in 2010-11 will also be hiked.It has been announced that the prices will be further enhanced to be Rs 210 per quintal for early varieties, Rs 205 per quintal for mid varieties and Rs 200 per quintal for late maturing varieties for the next year. The Haryana Sugar Industry has made significant contributions in the development of the state by providing employment to many people in the rural sector. Efforts are being undertaken to make sure that the state government takes more steps for the further progress and development of the sugar Industry in Haryana.
Haryana Sugar Mill Address
Gohana Coop.Sugar Mills LtdAt Gohana, Dist.Sonepat,
Sugarfed Haryana
ISGEC Covema Plastics Ltd
Paras Cinema Building, 3rd Floor,
Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019,
At Kamada, Teh.Thanesar, Dist.Kurukshetra,
M/s.Naraingarh Sugar Mills Ltd.
Naraingarh, Dist.Ambala
Sham S.Sardana
Chairman -M/s.Horizon Agro Chem. Ltd.,
C/o. Yamuna Gases and Chemicals Ltd
Ardanagar, Ambala Road,
Jagadhri-135 003,
At Kot, Teh.Chhachhrauli,
Dist. Yamunanagar-135001

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Disclaimer : All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Compare Infobase Limited and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.
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