EID-Parry (India)

EID-Parry (India) was established in the year 1788. Parry joined the Murugappa group in the year 1981. Since then E. I. D. Parry witnessed steady growth. Today, this company is regarded as one of the largest business groups in India.

The wide-range of products of EID-Parry in India are:
  • Parryware – Ceramic Sanitary ware
  • Sugar, Bio-Products and Chemicals – Sugar, Alcohol, Power, Bio-products

EID-Parry (India) has set up India's first chemical fertilizer plant at Ennore, Sugar plant at Nellikuppam and Sanitaryware plant at Ranipet. This company has won many awards like:
  • ISO 14001 certification in Pudukottai & Nellikuppam (Sugar division)
  • The recipients of the Green Tech Award on Safety
  • Instrumental in organizing a SHE event at the Murugappa Group level
  • ISO 14001-1996 (Parryware)
The primary product of EID-Parry (India) includes sugar. The first Sugar Factory was set up in 1842 at Bandipalayam and now there is one unit established at Nellikuppam, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu. EID-Parry in India is the leading manufacture of plantation white sugar from sugarcane.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)78
Profit after Tax(PAT)312.28
MCAP (Market Capitalization)3888.95

Latest News about EID-Parry (India)
  • This company plans to brand non-refined sugar
  • Introducing Stock Split unit 456
  • Cane economy turns rural TN ATM-savvy
  • Planning to set up Green Field Sanitaryware Factory
  • Planning to set up Integrated Sugar Complex at Pudukottai
  • It launches branded sugar
  • E.I.D. Parry's capex plan
EID-Parry (India) Contact details
No. 234, NSC Bose Road,
Parrys Corner,
Chennai - 600 001

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies