Railway Infrastructure Development

The Union Railway Minister, Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav, declared the Indian Railway Budget 2008 - 2009. The Indian Railway Budget 2008 - 2009 included several new developments in order to enhance the service and cater to the railway passengers in a better manner. There is a slash in the fare rates of all classes, new trains have been alloted to different places, etc. One of the main focuses was on the infrastructure development of the railways.

Highlights on Infrastructure Development in Budget 2008-09

  1. Private agencies will be allowed to set up Railway Terminals.
  2. The existing routes are to be expanded.
  3. In 2 years time, ticket queues would be eliminated.
  4. The Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) of the train would be printed on the ticket.
  5. The Northern railway main hospital, Delhi and Divisional railway hospitals in Hubli and Jaipur are to be upgraded
  6. All lamps are to be replaced by CFL lamps in order to save energy.
  7. A new manufacturing unit for coach building would come up at Kerala.
  8. All long distance trains would have display boards.
  9. By the year 2009, Railways will have call-center support.
  10. Private agencies would provide maintenance to the Rajdhani and Satabdi express trains.
  11. 30 of the big stations would have Multilevel parking facility.
  12. 50 big stations would be installed with lifts and escalators.
  13. Some low level platforms are to be upgraded to middle and high level ones.
  14. Coal Transport would have a consecrated line.
  15. Nearly 2500 old signals would be substituted by Automatic Signaling System.
  16. e-ticketing system to be introduced.
  17. The information system would be enhanced to provide better service to the travelers.
  18. Mumbai, Delhi, and Patna are to be transformed into world class stations.
  19. Anti collision systems would be installed in trains.
  20. The Security at big stations would be made tighter.
  21. Rajdhani and Satabdi express trains would have better steel coaches by 2010 and 2011.
  22. Booking of tickets can be done through Internet and Mobile Phones.
  23. Trains would have "Green" toilets.
  24. In Northern India, more trains would be run on electricity.
  25. The high-level platforms would have Foot over bridges.
  26. Installation of Double Lines has been given priority.
  27. At Nabinagar in Bihar, 1000 megawatt captive power plant would be set up for Railways.
  28. All important stations would be fitted with CCTvs in order to upgrade security systems.
  29. All stations would be fitted with LED displays for flashing arrivals and departures of trains.
  30. 15000 new ticket counters would be established.

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