India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

The India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited is an apex organization established on 5th January, 2006 under the Companies Act 1956, with the objective of financing major infrastructural projects of India that require huge investments.

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL), is a public limited company, owned and controlled by the government of India.

Profile of India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited owns a capital of US $220 million (INR 10 billion), 10 % of which is paid-up capital.

IIFCL offers financial assistance through the following instruments:

Lending directly to projects that fulfill the necessary criteria.
Refinancing banks and financial organizations for loans for a duration of 5 years or more.

Areas of operations of India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

IIFCL caters to the following infrastructural requirements of India:
  • Construction of railways, roads, ports, airports, inland waterways, bridges etc.
  • Betterment of power supply, gas supply, water supply, disposal of sewerage, solid waste management etc.
  • Infrastructure projects in Special Economic Zone (SEZ), international convention centers, and infrastructures related to tourism.
Financial Assistance
The Tenth Five Year Plan has estimated India's aggregate infrastructural requirement as US$250 billion (INR1 trillion) of which as much as US$150 billion is expected to arrive by 2012 in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the rest needs to be financed from within the country with respect to contributions from the public as well as the private sector.

Allocation of Financial Resources
The above mentioned finances, thus obtained will be allocated to the following sectors and in the following proportions:
  • US$40 billion for construction of new and maintenance of existing national highways.
  • US$9 billion and US$11 billion to upgrade various airports and ports respectively.
  • US$200 billion for fulfillment of power requirements in rural and urban areas and other related development activities.
In all the above projects, India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited will play an instrumental role.

Additional information on India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Address: India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL)
1201-1207, Naurang House
21, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi-110 001

Phone: 91-11-23736354, 23730335
Fax : 91-11-23736355

Last updated On: 7th May 2011

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