India Rural Infrastructure Report
This site provides detail information on India Rural Infrastructure Report . The site also focuses on the current scenario of Rural Infrastructure in India.
India Rural Infrastructure Report indicates the rural infrastructure in India gets 31% hike. The focus is on agriculture and development of India's rural areas.
A consolidated India Rural Infrastructure Report is as follow -
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
India Rural Infrastructure Report indicates the rural infrastructure in India gets 31% hike. The focus is on agriculture and development of India's rural areas.
A consolidated India Rural Infrastructure Report is as follow -
- A 31% hike in allocation towards the Bharat Nirman programme for upgrading rural infrastructure, from ` 18,696 crore to ` 24,603 crore, and a proposed ` 225,000 crore for farm credit.
- An additional irrigation potential of 2,400,000 hectares to be created, including 900,000 hectares under the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme.
- In December 2006, 53,370,000 new farmers were brought into the institutionalized credit system. The target for 2007-08 is set at ` 225,000 crore with an addition of 50,000,000 new farmers accessing credit.
- The National Agricultural Insurance Scheme to continue for the 2007-08, with an allocation of ` 500 crore. A weather-based crop insurance scheme will be started.
- ` 1,800 crore has been allocated for a water recharging scheme that will offer a 100% subsidy to small farmers and 50% to other farmers to encourage them to recharge water.
- An agreement with Andhra Pradesh has just concluded to cover 3,000 water bodies, covering an area of 250,000 hectares.
- A special plan is being implemented over a period of three years in 31 suicide-prone districts in four states, involving a total amount of ` 16,979 crore. Of this, around ` 12,400 crore will be spent on water-related schemes.
- A Special Purpose Tea Fund to rejuvenate tea production. Financial mechanisms for re-plantation and rejuvenation will also be implemented for coffee, rubber, spice, cashew and coconut plantations.
- To address the problem of poor availability and quality of certified seeds, the Integrated Oilseeds, Oilpalm, Pulses and Maize Development Programme will be expanded with sharper focus on scaling up the production of breeder, foundation and certified seeds.
- Government will fund the expansion of the Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, and offer other producers to double production of certified seeds within a period of three years.
- The Agriculture Technology Management Agency, now in place in 262 districts, will be extended to another 300 districts.
- The amount of fertilizer subsidy has been increased from ` 17,253 crore to ` 22,452 crore.
- The budget has also allotted ` 12,000 to the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
- Amount of ` 2,800 crore has been allocated for the Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana. Allocation for promoting self -employment among the rural poor, has been increased from ` 1,200 crore to ` 1,800 crore.
- NABARD will issue government-guaranteed rural bonds to the extent of ` 5,000 crore with suitable tax exemptions.
- The corpus of the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund, to be raised to ` 12,000 crore from ` 10,000 crore. A separate window for rural roads will continue, with a corpus of ` 4,000 crore.
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
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