India Infrastructure Investment
This site provides detail information on India Infrastructure Investment. The site also focuses on the current scenario and reforms effected by the government for infrastructure development in India.
'India Infrastructure Investment' an ambitious reform programme, involving a paradigm shift of stance from insulated to an open market economy. Indian economy is now feeling the heat of basic infrastructure constraints, both physical and human. Until very recently, the bulk of infrastructure was in the government sector. Public sector in India operating in a protected set up has been largely subsidized by the Government. There is one area where there is a need for private sector and foreign investment to come in. Infrastructure projects have long gestation period, and many social implications. Thus, India Infrastructure Investment schemes should be attractive. Clearly, there is a wide gap between the potential demand for infrastructure for high growth and the available supply. This is the challenge placed before the economy, i.e. before the public and private sector and foreign investors. This can also be seen as an opportunity for a widening market and enhanced production.
Scope for India Infrastructure Investment exists in -
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
'India Infrastructure Investment' an ambitious reform programme, involving a paradigm shift of stance from insulated to an open market economy. Indian economy is now feeling the heat of basic infrastructure constraints, both physical and human. Until very recently, the bulk of infrastructure was in the government sector. Public sector in India operating in a protected set up has been largely subsidized by the Government. There is one area where there is a need for private sector and foreign investment to come in. Infrastructure projects have long gestation period, and many social implications. Thus, India Infrastructure Investment schemes should be attractive. Clearly, there is a wide gap between the potential demand for infrastructure for high growth and the available supply. This is the challenge placed before the economy, i.e. before the public and private sector and foreign investors. This can also be seen as an opportunity for a widening market and enhanced production.
Scope for India Infrastructure Investment exists in -
- Highway construction.
- Four-Lane National Highways of 35000 Kms.
- Highway related en route activities like restaurants, motels, and rest / parking areas as may be decided by the implementing agency.
- Leasing out of existing port assets.
- Construction or operation of container terminals.
- Construction or operation of break-bulk, multipurpose and specialized cargo berths.
- Warehousing, container freight stations, Storage facilities and tank farms.
- Cranage and handling equipment.
- Dry docking and ship repair frailties.
- Leasing of equipment and floating craft from the private sector.
- Pilotages.
- Captive facilities for port based industries.
- Construction of world class international airports in five cities, permitting upto100% foreign equity investment announced.
- Important private sector aided airport projects in Kochi, Bangalore etc announced.
- Other private sector aided airports planned; Ahmedabad airport, Amritsar airport upgradation, Chennai cargo complex, new international terminal and a second runway for Delhi airport, runway extension and international block for Jaipur airport.
- Green-field airports.
- Construction of terminal / facilities and Ground handling.
- Real estate.
- Malls, business and entertainment facilities.
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
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