Marketing Infrastructure
Marketing Infrastructure is required to ensure free flow of the farm produce and its efficient marketing. Since the technologies on the production front has changed the supply scenario, adequate Marketing Infrastructure is needed to handle the huge quantity of farm produce and make the same available to all the consumers both inside and outside the country in an acceptable form.
The Marketing Infrastructural Facilities are as follows:
Main Trading Facilities:
Common covered auction halls, retail shops, common drying yards, traders' models coffee, auction hall and godown, and common open auction platforms.
Ancillary Trading Facilities:
Storage godowns, cold storage, weighing equipment and facilities, processing units, grading equipment, and pledge finance.
Farmers Facilities:
Farmer's rest house, agricultural inputs shops, tea shops, and dormitory accommodation.
Administrative Facilities:
Banks, post office, security posts, police posts.
Common Facilities:
Bathrooms, toilets, urinals, sundry shop, and canteen.
Water Supply Facilities:
Open wells, tube wells, municipal water supply, electric pump sets, overhead tanks, and drinking water taps.
There is a huge network of well planned regulated markets that is spread throughout the country. These regulated markets have shop cum godowns, covered auction platforms cattle shade, farmer’s rest house, banking and postal services, well designed market yard, security, input shops, and various other amenities. All regulated markets are well connected with production points by link roads. Some of the markets have the most modern electronic market intelligence system in the form of 'Agmarknet', to facilitate the understanding of market sentiments by the market users. These regulated markets are developed and maintained by the respective state marketing boards. Departments to provide credit facility to the farmers and pledge loan service are also available in some of the regulated markets.
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
The Marketing Infrastructural Facilities are as follows:
Main Trading Facilities:
Common covered auction halls, retail shops, common drying yards, traders' models coffee, auction hall and godown, and common open auction platforms.
Ancillary Trading Facilities:
Storage godowns, cold storage, weighing equipment and facilities, processing units, grading equipment, and pledge finance.
Farmers Facilities:
Farmer's rest house, agricultural inputs shops, tea shops, and dormitory accommodation.
Administrative Facilities:
Banks, post office, security posts, police posts.
Common Facilities:
Bathrooms, toilets, urinals, sundry shop, and canteen.
Water Supply Facilities:
Open wells, tube wells, municipal water supply, electric pump sets, overhead tanks, and drinking water taps.
There is a huge network of well planned regulated markets that is spread throughout the country. These regulated markets have shop cum godowns, covered auction platforms cattle shade, farmer’s rest house, banking and postal services, well designed market yard, security, input shops, and various other amenities. All regulated markets are well connected with production points by link roads. Some of the markets have the most modern electronic market intelligence system in the form of 'Agmarknet', to facilitate the understanding of market sentiments by the market users. These regulated markets are developed and maintained by the respective state marketing boards. Departments to provide credit facility to the farmers and pledge loan service are also available in some of the regulated markets.
Last updated On: 7th May 2011
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