India Business Online

Information technology and electronics, during the last few decades has altered our lifestyle and philosophical approach. Taking a cue from the telecom upheaval, the reach of Internet is expanding increasingly in India. This money spinning technology has forced the telecom giants like BSNL, Reliance, Airtel and Tata to introduce new attractive broadband packages with cost-effective tariff prices in order to facilitate internet penetration into more Indian homes. The expansion of internet connectivity offers enough scope for ‘India Business Online’ sector to flourish.

Significance of online business in India

Internet offers a virtual podium for the buyers and sellers where they can interact with one another for buying and selling of products and services. Shoppers staying thousands miles away engage in boundary-less mode of commerce in the time of globalization. The delivery channel is giving a new significance to the B2C and C2C eMarketer. ‘India Business Online’ sector offers purely electronic transactions from online payment via debit or credit cards to electronic delivery of products. With the elevation of PC educated population, e-commerce in India is expected to grow manifold.

Unlike the general notion, one does not require a product to sell via Internet to make money. To set up your online business, you can advertise any service such as matrimonial, online tuition, banking, ticketing (including airlines, bus and railways), bill payments, hotel booking etc.

How to start an e-business?

To commence any e-business the initial step is to create an online identity for which you require a website elaborating about your goods and services. Another important factor to keep in mind is the quality of content. Content plays a major role in the success of any site. To publish the content online create an attractive domain name and a web space. Make sure that the domain name consist important keywords illustrating your business. If you are launching your site for the Indian audience then it is preferable to opt for a .in domain name. The last but the crucial step is to promote the website and optimize it for major search engines like Google, Msn and Yahoo. You can add your site in free directories which is a free service or promote it with the help of 'attractive deals', 'price cut' or 'benefits' offered by you.

Scope of Online business in India

'India Business Online' sector is estimated to grow drastically in coming years. Online businesses like financial services, entertainment and travel are likely to expand soon. McKinsey-Nasscom report revealed that the fiscal year 2008 witnessed a hike in e-commerce transactions in India and touched around $100 billion. Indian middle class comprise 288 million people which is equivalent to entire U.S. consumer base makes India a lucrative market for online business.

There has been an increase in the number of firms opting for online business. Even the top-notch Indian portal sites has reallocated their focus to online business rather than depending on revenues generated from advertising. The arrival of stock exchange online has paved way for proper online business transactions in India.

Drawbacks of Online business in India

On the flip side a small credit card holding population and lack of homogeneous credit organizations act as a hindrance in the payment method unlike in Western Europe and United States. With auxiliary enhancement in imbursement and delivery procedure India is expected to soon become a major participant in the online business sector.

To make ‘India Business Online’ sector a benefit for common people, grave confrontations are yet to be conquered.