How to Start a Business in India

Steps to be taken in order to start a new business in India

Prerequisites and Preparation

The following article is dedicated to the procedures and steps to be taken towards building a successful agency business in India. As you know the core of any business is its clients. If there is no client, there is no business. It’s also better to go for some formal education in the field of your chosen business. A prior exposure to the business as a partner or an employee also helps to understand the intricacies of business.

Don’t be discouraged by the lack of opportunities or know-how of the business. Starting a new business is also a learning curve, where you learn every day. For example, if you want to open an advertising agency, you need a detailed business plan. This plan should include everything from the budget to arranging office space, workforce, working capital and sourcing of inputs and other material.

Make a Portfolio

Before you start your marketing and advertising campaign, you should make an attractive portfolio of the services imparted by you including testimonials, previous work and details of campaigns handled. This is like an ad film for your prospect or client, who will not only get an insight through it into how you perform the work, but also highlight your unique sales propositions. It will cut short your efforts at verbal detailing to a great extent. So, you can use it in your sales calls and appointments.

Building Professional Relationships

It is immensely needed to build your PR, expand contacts, and increase your appointments. Every professional relationship that you are going to forge in the market will help you generate business someday. You should explore all the channels of marketing, public awareness and advertising such as radio, local TV channels, newspapers, magazines and groups. And these channels should be fully exploited to communicate your day to day messages.

Sales and Marketing

So, building the clientele and increasing the prospects should be our topmost objective, when we think of launching our agency business. Without this prerequisite, even the best efforts at services and building infrastructure would fail. In case of opening an advertising agency, we should explore the companies, organizations, groups and the individuals who need an agency to promote themselves or their business. It would be highly fruitful to visit them and know their requirement. There is no reason that they would reject your proposal if you provide excellent services at affordable price. You can also offer cutthroat discounts to get a foothold in the market.

Know the Latest Trends

To run an advertising agency, you must also know the latest trends in the market. The tools, the strategies, preferences, penetration, audience pattern and public attitude keep on changing, so it’s advisable to keep in touch with the latest trends through trade publications and advertising journals. We must also join industry trade associations in order to keep abreast with the latest. Conferences and seminars are the best way to update our knowledge about the market trends, so take it as a crash course about the market trends and activities of the competitors. It will also help you know about the companies looking for a fresh advertising company to spearhead their next campaigns.

Have a Great Website

You must have a great and user-friendly website, as most the people search the local advertising firm through search engines. Your website should be easily downloadable, free from clutter and should provide almost all the information about your services, your portfolio, contact details and specialization.

The website should be dynamic and with a user-friendly interface. You can also optimize it with the commonly used local search terms for your industry and services. The website should be able to capture contact information of every individual who happens to visit it. You can provide Internet marketing services by placing the banner ads and hyperlinks of your clients on different websites to generate quality traffic.

Last updated on May 13, 2015