Mahindra Ugine Steel Company

Mahindra Ugine Steel Company is headed by Mr. Keshub Mahindra and it is a subsidiary of Mahindra and Mahindra Co. It deals in alloy steel and pressed sheet metal and has 2 manufacturing units in Maharashtra.

Facts about Mahindra Ugine Steel Company:

The company was established in the year1962 with an initial manufacturing capacity of 24,000 tons on a yearly basis. Mahindra Ugine Steel Company is undergoing continuous upgradation in its standards and is consequently increasing its production capacity on a regular basis.

The production capacity has increased from 24,000 TPA in 1964 to 75,000 TPA in 1981. It is now producing 110,000 TPA. Mahindra Ugine Steel Company has changed its method of production from Perin process to Ladle Metallurgy. The manufacturing unit of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company is situated along the highway connecting Mumbai and Pune. The manufacturing unit is aided with residential facilities and covers an area of 628.93 acres, comprising the factory and employee quarters.

Achievements of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company:

Mahindra Ugine Steel Company is always known for the excellent quality of its products which has led to a tremendous goodwill in the steel market. The company has been recognized with ISO 9001:2000 Certificate in 2002 and with ISO TS 16949 in 2005. The company has incorporated the latest version of ECC 6.0 of SAP ERP in the production process and has pioneered the version 6.0 of ERP in India, through the project named GO-Live.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)447
Profit after Tax(PAT)-5.97
MCAP (Market Capitalization)148.93

The 2 manufacturing units - one at Kanhe, close to Pune and the other at M.I.D.C. at Nasik have been recognized with TS16949 in 2005. Mahindra Ugine Steel Company has developed an efficient network of I.T. infrastructure comprising nearly 250 workstations joined through local area network (LAN) within the unit and around 80 printers for employees who are using SAP through the Internet. The employees of the company have access to the shared information of the company through a special file server. The VPN connection connects the secretarial departments and the other offices of the company to the entire world through the Internet.

Financial position of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company:

Mahindra Ugine Steel Company has achieved immense growth in the recent past which is reflected in the profit figure amounting to Rs.6506.44 lakh in 2005-06 and the income from net sales reaching ` 53106.68 lakh whereas the profit from the two stamping units in 2005-06 is ` 8397.01 lakh.

Activities of manufacturing units of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company:

The manufacturing units of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company utilize the latest technologies and production methods to create the best alloy steel product in the market. The plants of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company are fully equipped to perform the complete manufacturing process by themselves, with the help of certain functions such as heat treatment, rolling, material testing, forging, peeling, steel melting, conditioning and so on.

Most of the equipments used for steel melting have been imported from foreign countries such as, the casting machine has been imported from France, the two instruments- one is the vacuum degasser and the other is the vacuum oxygen decarburizer has been imported from, Leybold Heraeus in Germany and the electric furnace is also brought from Germany. To facilitate heat treatment, rotary bar straightening machines and hardening furnaces are imported from France.

The material testing unit of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company ensures that the only the best quality products are issued from the manufacturing units of Mahindra Ugine Steel Company. To carry on this function, the material testing unit has imported carbon sulfur analyzers from USA, 2 fatigue testing machines from France, image analysis software from Germany, and radiation pyrometers from United Kingdom.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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