MRF India

MRF India has managed to reach the top position in the tire market in India through the incorporation of latest technologies since its establishment in 1970. The company has as many as 6 manufacturing units in India and has made its mark in the foreign markets as well.

Retreaded Tires of MRF India:

MRF India treats rubber under special conditions to produce quality tires and this has helped the company earn its reputation as a specialist in pre-cured retreading and reworked radial tires.

The retreaded tires of MRF India ensure safety with the help of advanced rubber technology. It also offers high road grip and a comparatively long life span of the tires. The most advantageous aspect of reworked tires is that they are more economical than new tires and assure good tire mileage.

Kinds of tires produced by MRF India:

MRF India produces tires for all kinds of vehicles including buses, trucks, sports car, cars for farms, two-wheelers, multi-utility vehicles, and earth-movers. The tires of sports cars are manufactured to suit different roads such as filled with gravels or broken stones covered with tar. The tires of military cars facilitate solid sandgrip and those of multi-utility vehicles are available in tubeless, estate, and twin- tread varieties. The two-wheelers tires have nylon grip which are categorized as Nylogrip-plus, NylogripMoto-D, and Nylogrip FV. For light trucks, the company produces special LCV radials and super-lug tire variety.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)81
IndustryTyres & Tubes
Profit after Tax(PAT)301.14
MCAP (Market Capitalization)2805.84

Manufacturing Plants of MRF India:

MRF India is facilitated by the Arakonam unit located at Tamil Nadu which is engaged in the production of conveyor belts. The conveyor belts manufactured by MRF India assure high quality conveyor belts using advanced textile technology and good quality polymer. The conveyor belts are made to undergo strict testing procedures before being transferred from the factory premises. Some of the latest machines used for the manufacture of conveyor belts are Siempelkamp belt curing press, the ZWICK testing machine, and so on. This plant has been accredited with the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate and produces nearly 3000 tons of conveyor belts on a yearly basis.

J.D. Power Asia Pacific Award won by MRF India:

MRF India has been awarded the J.D. Power Asia Pacific Award for the year 2004 on the basis of a research concerning customer satisfaction with regard to original tires. MRF India ranked high in all the parameters set to judge the quality of tires such as durability, handling, appearance, and traction. The research mainly dealt with the performance and condition of radial tires, after they have been used for a period ranging between 12 to 18 months at a stretch.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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