Apple Valley Group

Apple Valley Group is involved in the manufacturing of tea products. The tea unit of the Apple Valley Group is known as Apple Valley Tea Industries. This has occupied about 40 percent of the Indian market with its domestic brand known as Assam Apple Valley. Various tea products manufactured the Apple Valley Group are green apple tea, blue apple tea, cartons tea, red apple tea and pet jar tea.

Apple Valley Group at a Glance-

Apple Valley Group largely deals with the manufacturing of tea products and cashew nuts. The two major units of Apple Valley Group which are highly involved in tea and cashew nuts manufacturing are the Apple Valley Tea Industries and Apple Valley Cashew.

The company has been exporting tea and cashew nuts from India to the global markets since the 1950s. The Apple Valley Group is best-known for its superior quality products and excellent customer service. In the recent period, the Apple Valley Group has occupied almost 40 percent of the Indian market with its domestic brand known as Assam Apple Valley. The Research and Development unit of the Apple Valley Group and other subsidiary units of the company have recorded a remarkable result since the past few years. The tea brands of the Apple Valley Group have gained immense popularity over fifteen years. The tea manufacturing unit of the Apple Valley Group procures tea leaves mainly from the gardens of East India and South India.

Products of Apple Valley Group-

The tea products marketed by Apple Valley Group are C.T.C dust tea and C.T.C leaf tea. The three types of tea that are marketed under C.T.C dust tea are Apple Green, Apple Red and Apple King. The company also offers orthodox leaf tea.

Different Tea Products Manufactured by Apple Valley Group:

  • Green Apple Tea
  • Blue Apple Tea
  • Cartons Tea
  • Red Apple Tea
  • Pet Jar

Fresh Bulk Tea Product Range:

  • Valley's Tea
  • Prince Tea
  • AKB Tea
  • Samarat Tea

Contact Details of Apple Valley Group-

Assam Apple Valley Tea Ltd.
Neeravil , Perinad P.O , Kollam- 691 601
Kerala, India.
E-mail id: [email protected] ; [email protected]