Dhunseri Tea

Details of Dhunseri Tea

Dhunseri Tea is a tea company of repute in India. Dhunseri Tea Company is involved in plantation, manufacturing and packaging of tea. The company uses Seal & Fill machine and also fully automatic form machine for the packaging of the tea in packets that are made of poly-laminated films and polyester that are pre- printed. These measures are taken by the company in order to make sure that the high quality of the tea is maintained. The guideline of Dhunseri Tea is not to degrade the quality for the sake of quantity. As a result of this, Dhunseri Tea Company is recognized as the supplier of quality tea among all the tea traders and also among consumers. The tea manufactured from the company's gardens is given a higher rate over majority of other tea producers.

The aim of Dhunseri Tea is to implement a wide range of business initiatives that are in harmony with its responsibilities towards the society. In Rajasthan, Dhunseri Tea introduced tea in packets under the brand names of Kala Ghora and Lal Ghora in 1987- 1988. The tea packaging divisions of the company are located at Mazbat in Assam and Jaipur in Rajasthan. The Senior Vice President of Dhunseri Tea is Mr. I. B. Saraf and the Vice President is Mr. K. K. Tibrewalla. The turnover of Dhunseri Tea amounted to ` 55.90 crores and the net profit stood at ` 96.99 lakh in 2002- 2003. The associate companies of Dhunseri Tea are South Asian Petrochem Limited, Investment & Finance Companies and Tezpore Tea Company Limited.

Various tea estates of Dhunseri Tea

  • Dhunseri Tea Estate
  • Dilli Tea Estate
  • Namsang Tea Estate
  • Bahadur Tea Estate
  • Santi Tea Estate
  • Khagorijan Tea Estate
  • Hatijan Tea Estate
  • Khetojan Tea Estate

Contact details of Dhunseri Tea

Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
Dhunseri House
4A, Woodburn Park
Calcutta - 700 020, India
Tel: (91) (33) 280 1950(6 lines)
Fax: (91) (33) 240 8995
Email id: [email protected]