Binani Industries

Binani Industries, also known as Binani Industries Limited is an India-based business group. Binani Industries is a 125-year old business conglomerate and belongs to the legendary Braj Binani Group.

The business portfolio of Binani Industries includes sectors like cement, zinc, glass-fiber, and downstream composite products. The annual turnover of Binani Industries Limited amounts to US$ 350 million. Apart from operating in India, the company also has a commendable presence in prominent international markets.

Binani Industries' state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities strictly conform to environment-friendly manufacturing practices and these manufacturing facilities are well connected by a wide network of dealers and sub-dealers spread across the globe. Binani Industries registered net sales of ` 12,302 lakh for the year ended 31st March, 2007 and the company's net profit stood at ` 1,624 lakh for the same period. Binani Industries is headed by Mr. Braj Binani, Chairman.

The company employs around 1200 personnel. Further, Binani Industries holds the following subsidiaries:

  • Binani Cement Ltd - Cement
  • Binani Zinc Ltd - Electrolytic Zinc
  • Goa Glass Fiber Ltd. - Glass Fiber
  • BT Composites Ltd
Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)266
Profit after Tax(PAT)-45.43
MCAP (Market Capitalization)385.11

Binani Industries Contact details of Binani Industries are as follows -

Registered Office:
Binani Industries Limited
706, Om Tower,
32, Chowringhee Road,
Kolkata - 700071
Tel: +91-33-2288 2508/09
Fax: +91-33-2288 2510

Corporate Office :
Mercantile Chambers,
12, J. N. Heredia Marg,
Ballard Estate,
Mumbai - 400 001
Tel.: +91-22-2264 0040-44
Fax: +91-22-2264 0045

Corporate Enquiry Form
Email: [email protected]

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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