Satyam Computer Services

Satyam Computer Services Limited offers quality services and solutions to the IT sector. Satyam is considered to be a global leader in this field catering to the Telecom-Infrastructure; Media-Entertainment-Semiconductors; Banking & Financial Service; Automotive; Manufacturing; Insurance & Healthcare industries.

Satyam Computer Services Limited has established its services through various strategies.

Satyam Strategies have been highlighted briefly below:
  • Business Continuity Model : Utilized during natural or man-made contingencies and the services offered here are relocation models at fastest speeds; protection to assets, data and manpower; plans and preparation for all kinds of contingencies; aiming at smoothest business entity; and more.

  • RightSourcing : Finding best customer solutions through an innovative combination of offshore, nearshore, onsite, and offsite delivery capabilities. Global Development Centers are located at Canada, Hungary, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan and UAE.

  • Alliances : Satyam provides the best solutions facilitated by its allied technology vendors and system integrators. The areas of alliance services are Customer relationship, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Knowledge Management, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, and more.

  • IT Enabled services : A wide range of inbound and outbound customer contact services, finance and accounting, technical helpdesks, finance and accounting, human resource, KPO, P2P, etc.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)137
IndustryComputers - Software
Profit after Tax(PAT)-147.3
MCAP (Market Capitalization)8277.82

As part of their quality endeavors, Satyam has crossed many milestones, some of which are:
  • Among the first companies to have been certified ISO 27001, ISO 9001, and ISO 20000.

  • First company in the US, Kuala Lumpur, Australia, Singapore, Shanghai, and India to have achieved the latest Information security standard, ISO 27001.

  • The first company to get ISO 9001-2000 certified.
Satyam has been emphasizing on its social responsibility as well. This include transformation of lives of the under privileged, which has been possible through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm, called the Satyam Foundation.

Satyam Computer Services Limited has thus, made a valuable contribution in the IT solutions industry, providing quality products and services to its customer; while keeping its corporate social responsibility in mind as well.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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