Southern Iron and Steel Company

Southern Iron and Steel Company Limited was incorporated in September, 1991 with the aim of manufacturing bars, pig iron, rods, and bullets. Its plant comprises of 3 main sectors -rolling and finishing, iron complex, and steel making.

The SISCOL Plant is located at Pottaneri, M. Kallipatti Village and its 3 different sectors are engaged in a systematic distribution of labor. A brief description on each of these sectors is given below:
  • Steel-making shop: It consists of an Energy Optimizing Furnace, Continuous Casting machine, and a Ladle Furnace. The energy optimizing furnace has a capacity of 30 T and was developed by Korf Technological Services (Brazil). The casting machine produces 100x100, 130x130, and 160x160 mm casts. The Ladle Furnace has a capacity of 30 T and regulates the liquid steel temperature.

  • Iron complex: Consists of a Blast Furnace, Pig Casting Machine, and Sinter Plant. The blast furnace produces hot metal or molten iron which is transferred to other sectors of the plant. Sinter is a replacement of lump iron ore. Pig casting machine is where hot metal is transformed into pig iron.

  • Steel finishing shop: Comprising of bar and rod mill having a capacity of upto 300000 tons per annum.

Apart from the above, there is a power plant and an air-separation plant in the company's manufacturing unit.
Southern Iron and steel have been manufacturing various products for the production process. The iron complex produces granulated slag and pig iron, the steel-making shop produces billets, and the steel finishing shop produces coils, bars, and rods.

The Southern Iron and Steel Company has been looking forward to further augmentation of existing plant and equipments and expansion of 1 MPTA-Crude Steel. SISCOL figures this FY ended 31.03.2007, was as follows:
  • Net sales: ` 68841 lakhs
  • Net profit: ` 5504.77 lakhs

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies

Last Updated on 06th June 2011

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