Techno Electric and Engineering Company

Techno Electric and Engineering Company is a leading EPC contracting company that was set up in the year 1963 with an objective to provide extensive engineering skills and construction services in the major power sectors in India.

Services provided by Techno Electric include manufacturing piping products, fittings, and accessories. The company also possesses domain knowledge that helps them deal with steel, fertilizer, metals, and petrochemicals services apart from various manufacturing products. Besides, Techno Electric also handles projects that deal with the erection of power stations, apart from implementing the usual Turnkey projects.

The engineering and construction services of Techno Electric include:
  • Fuel storage and handling system
  • Comprehensive Piping Systems including Power Cycle Piping
  • Process Plant installation
  • Fire Protection Systems
  • EHV Switch yards
  • EHV Substations
  • Power Plant Cabling System
  • Plant Electrical Distribution System which is classified under 3 divisions:
    • Plant-earthing Systems
    • Lightning Protection Systems
    • Plant Illumination Systems

Techno Electric and Engg Company has worked for improvement of the power generating capacity and increased its capacity by more than 50,000 MW. The company has also taken part in setting up more than 50% of the national grid project for carrying out and transmitting power from one region to another. Techno Electric is involved in APDRP as well as the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Program undertaken by the government of India. Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd. is also working on establishing small capacity power plants and executing balance of plant jobs for larger capacity thermal/hydro power plants.

The price range allotted for each equity share of Techno Electric and Engineering Company is ` 70 at 79.35 lakh equity shares. A guarantee of ` 7.93 lakh of 18 months duration will be converted into shares at the price of ` 80 per share on maturity that will be payable to Citigroup Venture Capital International Growth Partnership, Mauritius. In addition to this, the committee has also assigned 8 lakh warrants with a currency period of 18 months and also provided an option to subscribe to 1 fully paid-up equity share for every warrant summing up to 8 lakh equity shares at a price of ` 80 per equity share to Checons.

Financial Statement of Techno Electric for 2006:
  • Sales for the year ended March 2006 – ` 2446.21 million; Profit after tax (PAT) – ` 123.83 million

  • Net sales – ` 808.64 million; Profit after tax (PAT) – ` 60.35 million for the 3 month period ended in September 30, 2006.
Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd. comprises of 150 engineers supported by 200 trained professionals and has gained more than 30 years of experience in the industry. Techno Electric is now heading towards attaining a leading position in infrastructure development. The company has received quite a few orders from some of its most renowned and lucrative clients such as, NTPC, POWER GRID, BHEL, MSEB, and BSES among others. Techno Electric and Engineering Company has been a consistent performer in business and has always maintained its superior quality which has brought it into the peak of success today.

Alphabetical List of Indian Companies

Last Updated on 06th June 2011

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