Tube Investments of India

Tube Investments of India was established in 1949 as a flagship company of US$ 2 billion (` 8500 crore) Murugappa Group. Initially, Tube Investments of India was known as TI Cycles of India and wes traded under the brand names Hercules and BSA.

Tube Investments of India Ltd. (TII) is famous worldwide for manufacturing steel tubes and strips, car doorframes, automotive and industrial chains, and bi-cycles. It has businesses in India, North America, Europe, and other counties as well.

Tube Investments has also spread its business into the markets of engineering and metal-formed products along with insurance. These units of the company are operated by its subsidiaries. TII also takes interest in the service industry in the investment market through Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd. and Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Co. Ltd.

Tube Investments of India Ltd. has 2 broad divisions: Cycle Division and Tube Division. These 2 divisions operate from 2 separate units, viz., TI Cycle of India and Tube Products of India respectively. It also owns a cold rolling mill and metal section known by the name of TI Mills Ltd. This is one of the subordinate firms that are completely owned by Tube Investments of India.

Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
ET 500 Rank(2011)149
IndustryCycles & Accessories
Profit after Tax(PAT)195.9
MCAP (Market Capitalization)2532.59

TII has recently gone into auto-ancillaries and has financed 2 doorframe projects that supply doorframes to Hyundai Motors and Maruti Udyog. Another subsidiary owned by TII is the TI Diamond Chain (TIDC) which is engaged in the manufacture chains for bicycles, auto, and industrial applications.

Financial Statement of Tube Investments of India for 2006-2007:

  • ` 906.8 million (quarter ended in March, 2006) to ` 194.10 million (quarter ended in March, 2007) - a disastrous turbulence of 78.6% in the net profit of the company.

  • ` 3588.50 million (quarter ended in March, 2006) to ` 4350.90 million (quarter ended in March, 2007) - a rise of 21.25% in the net sales of the company.

  • ` 4563.9 million (quarter ended in March, 2006) to ` 4415.7 million (quarter ended in March, 2007) - a drop in the total income of the company by 3.25%.

  • The earnings per share (EPS) of Tube Investments came to ` 1.05 per share in the quarter ended in March, 2007.
Tube Investments of India Ltd. has 13 manufacturing factories all over India and these factories are operated by the marketing offices that act as an interface between the customer demands and the production team of the company. The shares of Tube Investments are enrolled at the NSE, BSE, and Chennai stock exchange within India and GDRs on the Luxembourg stock exchange.

Some of the significant achievements of Tube Investment of India Ltd. are enlisted as under:
  • It is the market leader in steel tubes and holds 61 percent market share for its outstanding quality and long-lasting applications.

  • It is the market leader in roll formed car door frames and holds 57 percent market share for its cost-effectiveness.

  • It has forged strategic tie-ups with several auto majors and roll forming companies to enhance its core competencies.

  • It is one of the most dominant players in the automotive unit market and holds 35 percent market share by dint of its superior quality, cost friendliness, transportation, and affiliation with two-wheeler majors.

  • Lastly, a significant participant in the bicycle sector and holds 30 percent market share for its brand equity, product improvement capacity, and a sound association with the markets.
Most of the plants owned and operated by Tube Investments of India are QS 9000 and ISO 14001 certified. TII has been a pioneering market leader in cold-drawn welded (CDW) tubes and now it is among the leaders of the Indian auto market.

Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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