How to Start a Band

The first step to starting a successful band is finding the musicians – for example, in case of a rock band, at least a guitarist, a drummer, and a bassist are required. There should also be a lead singer who may or may not need to play an instrument. At present there are several sites such as and band-mix that provide budding musicians the opportunity to contact each other and start the band.

It is advisable, however, to look at the maximum possible sites to find the right musicians to play with. Choosing from acquaintances such as friends or relatives to form a band is considered a good decision as they can be expected to stay together for a longer period of time. It is ideal if the band members have some previous training in the instrument they have chosen to play.

How to Start a Band – getting a name

While choosing the name of a band the musicians can opt for a cool name or something that carries a lot of meaning and the essence of their music. It is better to choose a name that is short and convenient for everyone to hear, spell or read.

Naming is an important part of the band’s branding so it is advisable to not opt for a trademarked name if it is not a tribute band. If the band members are unable to find a name as such they can come up with certain adjectives and nouns and choose a name that is a combination of both.

How to Start a Band – picking the genre

It is important for a band to decide the genre they are going to focus on. They can also decide on a couple of styles a la bands like Linkin Park or Flipsyde. If the band is being formed by previously unacquainted people they can bring their favorite CDs and play them to get an idea of their respective musical preferences that can later on help in deciding their genre.

How to Start a Band – importance of band agreements

While starting out as a band, it is better for the band members to sign an agreement that deals with various areas of the music business and the rights of individual band members regarding these areas:

  • name
  • ownership of songs
  • payment
  • equipment

This comes in especially handy when a member leaves the band – having properly framed agreements help in reducing problems later on. However, the band needs to keep in mind that such contracts can become contentious issues for future band mates. So, it is better to make sure that all the members are in agreement that such a contract needs to be there at the first place.

How to Start a Band – getting the practice space

The most important thing about starting a band is to get a proper space for practicing on a regular basis. It can be a basement or garage. The band members need to decide if they will keep all the equipment over there. If it is someone else’s space they should take the necessary permissions.

How to Start a Band – importance of regular practices

It is said that practice makes a man perfect and this is perfectly applicable for bands which need to rehearse together as much as possible to develop a good rapport that will be their hallmark in their future and help them become successful.

Proper practice also comes in handy when the bands go to record their songs. Recording is a costly process and the degree of preparation decides how much time a band will take to rehearse their songs.

How to Start a Band – the process of song writing

When a band performs for the first time in a solo show it is better if it has 11-12 songs. However, when it is opening for other bands 4-5 good songs should be sufficient. The band can also copyright their songs at the concerned governmental office. Ideally the bands should practice long enough before they decide to write down the songs.

How to Start a Band – recording demos

A demo is the finest promotional tool for a new band. It can be marketed at live shows and can be helpful in finding a record contract, manager, or agent. The new groups can avail websites such as or social networking sites like Facebook to promote their music.

How to Start a Band – looking for shows

In the music industry, a press kit is regarded as an equivalent of the resume. The electronic press kits have to be produced at venues in order to book them for shows. New bands can look up sites such as Sonic Bids to get a good idea as to how these can be prepared.

How to Start a Band – publicity

In order to generate awareness, a new band can go for flyers and take them to work or at school and put these up at places meant displaying such notifications. They can also ask their friends, relatives or acquaintances to get some word of the mouth publicity.

When the band becomes a regular on the circuit it can look at sites such as SoundCloud to gain further popularity. There are plenty of online music communities such as They should also have a mailing list of important people in the music business so that they can be contacted easily.

They can also put up a video on and gauge the reaction to their music and some valuable feedback. This also helps in establishing contacts with important professionals like managers and accountants.

How to Start a Band – expectations

While starting out a band should be realistic about what they can achieve. Getting to the top in the music industry is a difficult job and requires a rational mindset and proper assessment of potential. They should keep trying hard but not get discouraged easily if expectations are not met.

Last Updated on 4/13/2012