AIA Engineering

About AIA Engineering

AIA Engineering Limited is an ISO 9001 certified company, which is known for their excellence in designing, developing, manufacturing, installing as well as servicing of high abrasion, corrosion and chromium wear resistant castings that are used in the mining industries, cement manufacturing companies and thermal power stations.

This company aims at providing clients with the best possible solutions post technical evaluation of client requirements. Their specialty lies in providing exclusively designed solutions and offering unique services for the optimization of processes all over the world. This approach towards business has made the company lead the market in terms of quality, innovation and services.

Founded in the year 1979, this company is mainly based in Ahmedabad. This public limited company is world’s 2nd biggest producer of hi-chrome casting and has got trading shares in National Stock Exchange of India (N. S. E.) and Bombay Stock Exchange (B. S. E.). Vega Industries is their self-owned subsidiary as well as the global distributor of their products. Their sales and servicing network is spread over 75 countries. The AIA Engineering group including the Vega Industries is considered to be the benchmark of international quality by majority of the customers.

Products of AIA Engineering

Having originated from the industry of cement manufacturing, this company manufactured varied products related to this industry. Apart from that they are even involved in the sectors like mining, power etc. Let us have a look at the different sector wise products of the company:
  1. Cement
    Over the years, they have been manufacturing cost-effective products that in turn reduce the maintenance cost. This company is always involved in a continuous development and launching of new products.

    Latest Financial Figures(Figures in Rs. Crores)
    ET 500 Rank(2011)496
    Profit after Tax(PAT)183.39
    MCAP (Market Capitalization)2918.24

    • Tube Mill Applications: Diaphragms, grinding media and shell liners
    • Vertical Mill Applications: Grinding rolls and grinding tables
    • Cone Crushers
    • Coolers
    • Hammer Crushers
    • Kilns
    • Impellor Crushers
    • Pre Heaters
    • Vertical Shaft Impact Crushers
  2. Mining
    Besides the various products and manufacturing techniques related to mining operations, this company manufactures new alloys, which provides developed wear components for minerals like bauxite, copper, gold, iron, lead or zinc, phosphates and many more.

  3. Power Generation
    This Ahmedabad based company designs components, which significantly reduces maintenance costs. Their grinding media along with the shell liner and other grinding elements that are used in ball mills and vertical mills respectively impressively reduces the wear rate. In addition, they even meet the H. P. M. S. (High Performance Milling System) requirements with proved efficiency.

  4. Aggregate
    This engineering company is known for manufacturing wear components, which are used for quarrying applications. The specialty of these components is that they are long lasting.

  5. Services offered by AIA Engineering
    Because of their understanding of crushing and grinding operations, AIA Engineering along with Vega Industries are said to be among the successful companies dealing with the supply and installation of the wear components. With availability to global customers, this expertise includes:
    • Commissioning projects and installation of turnkey
    • Management and assessment of stocks
    • Mill audits
    • Performance monitoring

Latest financial result of AIA Engineering

According to the un-audited financial results of the company for the quarter that ended on 30th September of 2011, the total income of AIA Engineering Limited was INR. 34, 334.66 Lacs as compared to the total income of INR. 27, 251.38 Lacs for the quarter, which ended on 30th June, 2011. Total expenditure increased in this quarter from INR. 22, 111.98 Lacs to INR. 28, 926.80 Lacs. The net profit of the last quarter stands at INR. 3, 845.91 Lacs whereas the net profit for Quarter 2 was INR. 3, 914.83 Lacs.

Aia Engineering

Head Office Address of AIA Engineering

The contact information of the corporate office of AIA Engineering Limited are as follows:
    115, G. V. M. M. Estate
    Odhav Road, Ahmedabad – 382 410
    Gujarat, India.
    Tel.: + 91 - 079 - 22901078
    E-mail: [email protected]
Last Updated on 1/4/2012

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