Tata Tea Ltd
Details of Tata Tea Ltd.:
Tata Tea Ltd. was established in 1964 in joint collaboration with the James Finlay and Company. Tata Tea Ltd. is a part of the Tata Group and has a strong customer base not only in India but also abroad. The company is involved in offering to its customers high quality branded tea and also is engaged in plantation activity in Sri Lanka and India.By 2005, Tata Tea Ltd. had around fifty one tea estates located in the Indian states of Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Assam. The company has a production unit in Kerala that is 100% export oriented and it produces instant tea. Tata Tea Ltd. has a very wide distribution network that is spread all over the country. According to records of 2005, Tata Teal Ltd catered to more than 1.7 million retail outlets in the country. The company has set up a center for product development at Bangalore and also a Research and Development center at Teok (Assam).
Middle East, Australia, Poland, North Africa, Kazakhstan, and West Asia are the regions where Tata Tea Ltd. exports its products. The net profit of Tata Tea Ltd. amounted to ` 2,019.89 lakhs in 2002- 2003. In 2003- 2004 this figure came to ` 1,710.36 lakhs, and in 2004- 2005 this figure stood at ` 2,870.23 lakhs. The Managing Director of Tata Tea Ltd. is Mr. P Siganporia.
Major brands of Tata Tea Ltd. in India are:
- Tata Tea
- Kanan Devan
- Gemini
- Tetley
- Chakra Gold
Various associate companies of Tata Tea Ltd. are:
- Tata Coffee Limited
- Watawala Plantations Ltd
- Tata Tea (GB) Ltd.
- Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company Ltd.
- The Tetley Group Ltd
Contact details of Tata Tea Ltd.:
1 Bishop Lefroy Road,Calcutta 700 020.
E-mail : [email protected]
Last Updated on 3/16/2011
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