Indian Oil Corporation Barauni Refinery

Barauni petrochemicals plant is in the country the second oil refinery in the public sector and forms an important part of theIndian petrochemical industry. It belongs to theIndian oil corporation limited (IOCL). It was built in partnership with Romania and USSR. The plant of Barauni petrochemicals is located from Patna at a distance of 125 kilometers. In 1964 it was commissioned and had a 1 mmtpa refining capacity.

The Barauni petrochemicals plant was built with an investment of Rs 49.40 crore and to the nation it was dedicated in January, 1965 by the then petroleum minister Prof. Humayun Kabir. Modernization has taken place in the petrochemicals plant in Barauni such as revamping, expansion, and de- bottlenecking projects. As a result of this, the capacity of the plant has increased to 6 mmtpa.

Further secondary facilities such as unit for sulfur recovery, resid fluidized catalytic cracker (RFCC), and diesel hydrotreating (DHDT) have been set up

This modern technology has helped the Barauni petrochemicals plant to produce green fuels that are environment friendly and which comply with the international standards.

The petrochemicals plant in Barauni processes crude oil of low sulfur content which is imported from South East Asia, Africa, and middle-east countries like Malaysia, Iraq, and Nigeria. It also processes crude oil of high sulfur content. This plant of petrochemicals in Barauni caters to customers of the states of Bihar, North West Bengal, parts of U. P., and Nepal. Proper measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the people and also for energy conservation in the Barauni petrochemicals plant.

The various products produced by Barauni petrochemicals plant are:

  • Motor spirit
  • Naphtha
  • High speed diesel
  • Raw petroleum coke
  • Kerosene oil
  • LPG

The Barauni petrochemicals plant has developed since it was commissioned. That it continues to grow, efforts must be taken by the government ofIndia and the petrochemical industry ofIndia.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011