Indian Petroleum Corporation Limited

Indian Petroleum Corporation Limited is one of the major players in theIndian petrochemical sector with their principal activities centering round the applications of plastics inIndia. The turnover of the company has been over US $ 2 billion in the last financial year 2005-06.

History ofIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited:

Indian Petroleum Corporation Limited, the pioneer petrochemical company inIndia was incorporated in the year 1969. In the year 2002, gave up 26% of their stocks to Reliance Petroinvestments Limited. From the year 2005, some polyester companies like Apollo Fibers Limited,India Polyfibres Limited, Recron Synthetics Limited, CentralIndia Polyesters Limited, Orissa Polyfibres Limited, and Silvassa Industries Private Limited got merged with theIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited. From this year apart from plastics the company started playing an important role in the promotion of polyesters also.

Products ofIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited:

The main production of theIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited concentrates around the production of variants of petrochemicals like-

  • polymers
  • synthetic fiber
  • fiber intermediaries
  • solvents
  • surfactants
  • industrial chemicals
  • catalysts
  • adsorbents
  • polyesters

Units ofIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited:

The main production activities of theIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited centers around three petrochemical complexes all of which are built with effective and advanced infrastructures required for the company. Apart from these the company is also featured with strong back offices and research centers which have been playing a major role in the promotion of theIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited in the petrochemical sector. The major units of the company are like-

  • A naphtha based complex at Vadodara
  • A gas based complex at Nagothane
  • A gas based complex at Dahej on Narmada estuary
  • A catalyst manufacturing facility at Vadodara
  • A Research Center
  • Product Application Centers
  • Technology Management Centers
  • Customer Relation Centres

Performances ofIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited:

The company is very environment friendly and has been taking significant steps for its welfare. Some of the operational activities ofIndian Petroleum Corporation Limited in this regard are like rain water harvesting, recycling and reusing the treated water, horticulture and gardening, reducing water consumption, and cooling water systems.

The Indian Petroleum Corporation Limited also have been taking great concern in offering various facilities like maintenance of residential complexes, schools, recreational centers, transport, medical facilities, and training programs for their employees.

Contact Details:
Shri Mukesh D. Ambani is the Chairman of Indian Petroleum Corporation Limited. Address:
Corporate Office:Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited
P.O. Petrochemicals Township,
District: Vadodara - 391 345

Phone: (0265) 6696000 / 7000
Fax: (0265) 6693834

Registered Office:Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited

P.O. Petrochemicals
District: Vadodara - 391 346

Phone: (0265) 6696000 / 7000
Fax: (0265) 6693834
Email: [email protected]
Last Updated on 13 December 2011