Mathura Refinery and Petrochemicals

Mathura Petrochemicals Plant has been developed by theIndian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and is an important part of theIndian petrochemical industry. This petrochemicals plant in Mathura was commissioned in 1982.

Its current capacity of crude processing is 8 mtpa and with this capacity, it meets the demand of the entire country, specially the country's northwest region including theIndian capital - Delhi.

The Mathura Petrochemicals Plant processes crude sulfur imported from Nigeria and Bombay High. It also processes the sulfur crude which is high in value and is imported from the middle-eastern countries. The Mathura Petrochemicals Plant has units which are of international standards and uses world-class technologies.

In order to protect the environment, public health, and monuments of national importance around the Mathura region, the Mathura Petrochemicals Plant has undertaken emission minimization methods. It supplies eco-friendly diesel and petrol to NCR, Agra region, and NCT. In 2005, the petrochemicals plant in Mathura became the first refinery inIndia that is able to produce auto fuels that adhere to 100% of the Euro-3 rules.It supplies eco-friendly diesel and petrol to NCR, Agra region, and NCT. In 2005, the petrochemicals plant in Mathura became the first refinery inIndia that is able to produce auto fuels that adhere to 100% of the Euro-3 rules.

The Mathura Petrochemicals Plant consumes different kinds of fuels such as R-LNG, fuel gas for refinery, natural gas, and fuel oil with low sulfur content. Some major steps have also been taken by the petrochemicals plant in Mathura for energy conservation and safety standards inside the plant are also very high.

The various units in the Mathura petrochemicals plant are:

  • The cracking unit for fluidized catalytic
  • Atmospheric vacuum unit
  • Catalytic reforming unit
  • Sulfur recovery unit
  • DHDT unit
  • Hydro- cracker unit

The Mathura Petrochemical Plant has given a boost to the petrochemicals industry ofIndia. That it continues to function and grow in a better way, steps must be taken by the government ofIndia and theIndian petrochemical industry.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011