Petrochemical Products in Electronics Sector

Petrochemicals have become the major source of raw material in the electronics sector. Therefore, all the electronic innovation which are proving to be a boon for man owe heavily to the petrochemical products and industries.

Petrochemicals have become the most important element in our daily lives and have entirely revolutionized the sector of electronics by making some of the most important scientific inventions. The petrochemical industry has proved to be extremely beneficial for the electronics industry. This is so because the petrochemical industry produces certain commodities on which the electronic industries thrives. Petrochemical products in the electronics sector ensure better electrical insulation and safety, safer design, data storage, ease of assembly, and great capacity for miniaturization.

Everyday objects like CD players, telephones, radios, computers, TVs are produced on a massive scale due to assistance from the petrochemical industries. Microchips - the main component of computers are made up of petrochemical products. However, petrochemistry is the keyword of the electronic industries. It has its presence everywhere, right from cablings and connectors to printed circuits and chips.

Plastic, the simplest of all petrochemical products, is the main component of CD-ROMs and CDs. The plastic used in these electronic goods is about 1.2mm thick. Most of the CDs comprise of an element known as polycarbonate (a group member of thermoplastics which can be easily thermoformed, worked, and molded). Plastic is derived from benzene (the most basic aromatic compound - a colorless liquid that occurs in fossil raw materials like coal and crude oil), cumene (an aromatic substance deduced from benzene and used to produce phenolic resins and important health care commodities like penicilln), and bisphenol A (a chemical used to make polycarbonates). Polycarbonates are full of microscopic bumps that are formatted as a long spiral track where data are kept and a thin aluminum layer covers it. This aluminum is protected by spraying a thin layer of acrylic (used for making detergents, varnishes etc) over it. After printing the label on the acrylic, it is then slipped into polystyrene (a kind of a solid plastic derived from polmerised styrene). Evidently, the usage of petrochemicals in the electronics segment is extensive.

It can be safely said that with the multifaceted uses of petrochemicals, the electronics sector has been aided tremendously. Therefore, the electrical goods and electronic industries rely heavily on the petrochemical products and industries.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011