Indian Petrochemical Plants

Indian petrochemical plants contribute a great deal to theIndian economy since it is one sector which is growing at a very fast pace - around 13% annually.

The plants of the petrochemical industry inIndia are highly technology intensive and so require a lot of capital investment. The petrochemical industry inIndia consists of a limited number of players and this is the main reason why this sector is a highly organized one.

The petrochemical plants inIndia have various parts such as pipelines, rotating equipments, process plant static equipments, steel structures, and furnaces. The various kinds of petrochemicals that are made in the Indian petrochemical plants are:

  • Ethylene
  • Benzene
  • Butadiene
  • Propylene
  • PVC
  • HDPE
  • Polyester staple fiber

The major petrochemical companies inIndia are:

  • RIL in Mumbai
  • IPCL in Mumbai
  • Haldia petrochemical in Kolkata
  • NOCIL in Mumbai
  • Gas authority ofIndia ltd in Delhi (GAIL)

Reliance Industries Limited is a majorIndian petrochemical company. It has a refinery with a capacity of 27 million tpa in Jamnagar. It has another complex in Hazira with a production capacity of 420,000 tpa for PVC and 750,000 tpa for PP. The Patalganga complex has facilities for the production of LAB, PFY, and PSF. It is also setting up a petrochemical plant for the production of propylene with a capacity of 400,000 tpa.

Among the variousIndian petrochemical companies, IPCL deserves a special mention. Its plants have the collective capacity of producing 190,000 tpa of LLDPE, 165,000 tpa of PP, 160,000 tpa of LDPE, 120,000 tpa of HDPE, and 205,000 tpa of PVC. It is expanding to 400,000 tons per year, at Gandhar the gas cracker. It is planning to set up a new cracker unit with the capacity of 300,000 tons per year at Vadodara.

Haldia Petrochemicals is also another vitalIndian petrochemical company. It has the production capacity of 200,000 tpa for propylene, 65000 tpa for benzene, and 65000 tpa for butadiene. It is also setting up a plant for the manufacture of ethylene with a capacity of 420,000 tpa.

NOCIL is also an importantIndian petrochemical company. It has petrochemical plants which have the production capacity of 170,000 tpa for HDPE, 25,000 tpa for PVC, and 180,000 tpa for PP. GAIL, a government company dealing in petrochemical inIndia is setting up a plant for the manufacture of ethylene with the capacity of 300,000 tpa. This shows that there has been tremendous expansion in the Indian petrochemical plants.

Efforts must be taken by the government ofIndia and theIndian petrochemical industry to ensure that growth continues to take place in the petrochemical plants inIndia.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011