Vadodara Petrochemicals Plant

The Vadodara petrochemicals plant is inIndia the largest refinery in the public sector. It is the most efficient in energy and the biggest refinery that belongs toIndian Oil Corporation limited (IOCL). The Vadodara petrochemicals plant is an important part of theIndian petrochemical industry. The foundation stone for the plant of petrochemicals in Vadodara was laid on 10th May, 1963.

At the beginning, the Vadodara petrochemicals plant had the production capacity of 1 mmtpa for the manufacturing of crude Ankleshwar. But in recent times, the plant in the Vadodara petrochemicals have been modified, revamped, and expanded. As a result of this, the production capacity has increased to 13.7 mmtpa for refining crude.

In August 2004, a unit for petro- chemical was set up with 120 tmt per year production capacity. This unit manufactures LAB products by utilizing as feedstock kerosene. The LAB that is produced is used in the manufacture of detergents. The petrochemicals plant in Vadodara is committed towards reducing the production of waste, lessening the use of resources, and in creating an environment which is conducive towards productivity and efficiency. That is the reason that it follows all the rules laid down by the pollution control panel.

The various units for manufacturing of products in Vadodara petrochemicals plant are:

  • Unit for catalytic reforming
  • Unit for vacuum distillation
  • Udex unit
  • Unit for bitumen blowing
  • Hydro cracker unit
  • MTBE unit
  • Unit for recovery of DHDS sulfur

The various products manufactured by the Vadodara petrochemicals plant are:

  • Aviation turbine fuel (ATF)
  • LPG
  • Motor spirit
  • Xylene feedstock
  • Fuel oil
  • N- heptane
  • High speed diesel (HSD)

The Vadodara petrochemicals plant has been modernized in recent years. That it continues to improve and contribute to theIndian economy, efforts must be taken by the petrochemical industry inIndia and the government ofIndia.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011