Synthetic Fiber

Synthetic fiber is an important constituent of theIndian petrochemical industry for it forms for the textile industry the basic raw material. The government ofIndia in an effort to encourage the synthetic fiber industry brought it under the Technology up gradation fund scheme which had been launched in 1999 with a fund of ` 25,000 crore. A task force on chemicals and petrochemicals has also been set up and this has also encouraged the growth of the synthetic fiber sector.

It have been reported by this task force that theIndian synthetic fiber industry is using outdated technology in its manufacturing process and this industry is highly fragmented as well. Although there are more than 35 companies, out of them only 4 have the production capacity of 50,000 tons. This industry has only a handful of companies for it is a high technology and capital intensive industry.

The various kinds of synthetic fibers are:

  • DMT
  • Acrylic fiber
  • Polyester staple fiber
  • Polyester filaments yarn
  • Nylon filament yarn

In the synthetic fiber, the polyester filaments yarn is manufactured the most followed by polyester staple fiber. The price of polyester staple fiber is ` 41 per kg and that of polyester filaments yarn is ` 54 per kg. But in recent times with the decline in prices of the synthetic fibers in the globe, a decline has also been registered inIndia. In fact, there has been a decline of 13% to 21% in the prices of the synthetic fiber. The major companies producing synthetic fiber are:

  • RIL
  • Raymond synthetics
  • Indo Rama synthetics
  • JCT
  • Shree synthetics
  • Modipon
  • Sanghi polyester

Synthetic fiber is the raw material for the textile industry and this shows its importance. So that the quality and supply of it is well maintained, efforts must be taken by theIndian petrochemical industry and the government ofIndia.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011