Guwahati Refinery

The Guwahati petrochemicals plant is the first refinery in the country which belongs to the public sector. It is an important part of theIndian petrochemical industry and belongs to theIndian oil corporation limited (IOCL). It had a capacity of .75 mmtpa when it was commissioned in 1962.

Subsequently, modernization has been done of the plant in the Guwahati petrochemicals through projects of debottlenecking. This has increased the production capacity to 1.0 mmtpa.

The petrochemicals plant in Guwahati processes only crude oil which is indigenous and which comes from the oil fields of Assam. The Guwahati petrochemicals plant with its coking unit and secondary unit manufactures from heavy oils, middle distillates. Its various petroleum products are supplied to the North- western part of the country. The surplus petroleum products are sold to West Bengal.

Modernization has been done in the plant of Guwahati petrochemicals. A hydrotreater unit have been installed in 2002 in order to improve the diesel quality. In 2003, a indmax unit have been commissioned which is a novel technology which have been developed by the R & D Indian oil center. This unit helps in the upgrading of heavy ends into diesel oil, motor spirit, and LPG.

This modernization has helped the Guwahati petrochemicals plant to produce environmental friendly green fuels which comply with the rules of the international standard. Proper safety measures have been taken in the plant of Guwahati petrochemicals in order to ensure the safety of the people. Also energy conservation methods have also been adopted.

The various products produced in the Guwahati petrochemicals plant are:

  • Naptha
  • LPG
  • Motor spirit
  • Petroleum coke
  • Kerosene oil
  • High speed diesel

The Guwahati petrochemicals plant has developed in recent years. That improvement continues to take place, efforts must be taken by the government ofIndia and the petrochemical industry ofIndia.

Last Updated on 13 December 2011